01780-358920, 01728-346791

Code of Conducts

We, at Al-Faroque International, firmly believe in professionalism and ethical business practices based on the following "Code of Coduct" and Core Values:

  • Select only technically qualified and physically fit candidates for overseas jobs.
  • Make a sincere endeavor to select job-seekers from the Manpower Data Bank as far as practicable.
  • Conduct of Recruitment Test and Physical Fitness Test for selection of the 'right candidates for the right posts' in the best possible manner.
  • To conduct the Medical Fitness Test of the selected candidates for recruitment of only the healthy workers without any disease.
  • Honour the terms and conditions of agreement/contract with the principal/employers in letter & spirit.
  • Enter into agreement with such Employers only who will actually employ the workers and honour the terms of employment.
  • To despatch the workers only as per the advice of the Employers with advance intimation about the flight schedule to the Employers.
  • To conduct the orientation and pre-recruitment & pre-departure briefing to the workers about the Terms of Employment, Labour Laws, Weather, Food Habit, Local Religious & Cultural Values etc. so that they abide by the laws and respect the cultural values of the country of employment.

The prime objective of Al-Faroque International are to extend ethical, prompt and gratifying services to its principals / employers and also to the jobs-seekers.